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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2017

Top Mass Building Workouts You Should Be Doing Now

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As you may know, there are many techniques to getting ripped and building muscle. To look really good you may want to use a gym to help you on your journey. However, you could be wasting your time doing the wrong exercises the wrong way time and money. You should do these top mass building workouts to get closer to your goals quickly. Read on to find out the right exercises you need to be doing immediately to build a nice mass and look great. Squats Squats are great in developing stronger legs. When doing this type of exercise, it's important that you follow the right technique and form. Much like with other exercises, form and technique plays a huge role in the effectiveness of your routine. Make sure your back is arched when using a barbell when doing squats. Your chest should be out; your head tilted back (or looking up during the set); and feet a little wider than shoulder width. Doing it the right way will make executing the exercise a whole lot easier. Bench press Bench pre...

How Much Protein Do You Need To Increase Muscle Mass?

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If you are looking to increase muscle mass you need to ensure you are consuming enough protein in your diet. Protein is the building block of the body. Eating the right amount of good quality protein will build muscle, aid muscle recovery after exercise and burn body fat. So how much protein do you need to increase muscle mass? And where can you get good quality protein? How Much Protein Do You Need? If you are training hard to increase muscle size. You should be consuming between 1g and 1.6g of protein per pound of bodyweight a day. So for someone weighing 154lbs that is between 154g and 246g of protein a day. It is recommended to spread this daily consumption between 5-6 meals a day. Good Quality Protein Sources You will want to make sure that your protein intake comes from good quality sources. You will want complete proteins which contain all 9 essential amino acids. Meat - Beef, venison, lamb. High protein sources and high in fat. Venison is lower in fat and calories to beef and...

Lose Body Fat: Obese Person's Guide to Losing Body Fat

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If you're overweight or obese, it can be difficult to figure out how to get started on your fat loss plan. One of the most important things you must realize is that it is your current lifestyle that has made you fat. Hence, you must dramatically change your lifestyle to get positive results. The shift must go from being sedentary to being as active as possible. So, look for opportunities in your daily life where you can become more active. You don't need to go to a gym in order to be active. In fact, loose that "gym" mentality. You can do at home what you do at a gym. The majority of people end up walking on a treadmill at the gym anyway. Benefits of High Intensity Exercise So instead of walking on a treadmill, walk around the block. And instead of focusing on distance, focus on speed. Try to move your body faster and faster. This is what will help you lose bodyfat. Why? Because you are slowly increasing the intensity of the exercise as opposed to the distance. Your...

How You Can Build Muscle: 7 Muscle Building Guidelines

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When attempting to build muscle, typically the straightforward ideas are the ones that can assist you the most. Here are the 7 muscle building tips that may get you on the right track when making an attempt to build muscle. 1. Eat enough calories Easy as that! Your body cannot build muscle if you burn extra calories than you consume all through the day. Many weightlifters make this mistake, they eat all the correct meals, however not sufficient amount of them. If you're not gaining weight, try to increase your calorie intake for 300-500 calories a day, until you discover the fitting number of energy that may make you grow. 2. Eat Protein Muscles are constructed of protein and protein is built of amino acids. Consider it as building a house. You can't construct a home with out the bricks. A very good rule of a thumb is to take 1, 5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight, though some specialists recommend 1 gram or even three grams per pound. Good protein sources includ...

Bodybuilding Workouts - 6 Tips To Keep in Mind

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Are you looking for a good bodybuilding program? Most people find it hard to create their own bodybuilding workout plan for faster results. Basically, you have to set a plan as to how many times you should work out each week. Selecting the right exercises is another big task. But the six tips that we have given below may help you with this job. 1. Lift More Weight With Time For bodybuilding, you need to gain muscle. And to gain muscle, you will have to keep adding weight to the bar. The principles you have set won't matter if you don't put more pressure on your muscles as time goes by. When you get stuck, you should go for other strategies like supersets and drop sets, to name a few. This will help you increase the potential of your body. 2. Don't over-exhaust your muscle Don't fully exhaust your muscle or you will run into serious problems, such as your nervous system fatigue. Some people believe that growing muscle requires you to exhaust them. Of course, you should...

Get Flat Abs - 7 Tips to Burning Belly Fat and Getting Six Pack Abs

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Everybody wants to know the secrets of how to get flat abs. But not many are willing to do the work involved. So if you thought that getting six pack abs was only about taking a magic pill that will guarantee you results then keep looking. For those who are serious read this article to learn how to do it through diet and exercise. 1)  Eat clean foods.  Starting with diet is always the smart way to go. Your body will need fuel for your workouts. So start eating healthy natural foods like fruits, veggies, lean meats, and nuts. These are the kinds of foods that will teach your body to burn fat and build abs fast. 2)  Get more protein.  For building muscle protein is needed. Don't stress over getting a gram of protein per pound of body weight. Just getting about 80% of that is perfectly fine. 3)  Limit your starchy carbs.  Breads, pasta, rice, and even oats all fall under this category. They are loaded with calories and complex carbs that will turn into fat i...

Healthy Eating - Not All Fats Are Bad, You Need Some Fats to Stay Healthy

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In today's world, many people are cautioned against including too much fatty food in their eating plan. Unfortunately, just as many people consider carbs the enemy, others are under the impression all fats are bad and must be avoided at any cost. They are told they should focus on a low-fat, high-fiber diet to maximize health. Too much fat in people's diets has traditionally been saturated fat, which raises cholesterol levels and may help to promote cardiovascular disease. This said, not all fats are bad. In fact, you need some fats to stay healthy. What are some signs you are deficient? Check out the list below to see if this could be an issue for you... 1. You Are Hungry All The Time.  While carbohydrates may instantly make you feel full, they do not provide the satiety dietary fats do. When you eat a meal containing sufficient fat, you will get a "stick to your ribs" feeling, which puts the brakes on hunger. Aim to eat 5 to 10 grams of fat at each meal to get thi...

Masturbation and Muscle Gain: Is There a Connection?

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Among serious bodybuilders, there has long been a debate over whether there is any connection between masturbation and muscle gain. Even among those who rarely lift a dumbbell, there are plenty of jokes about a disproportionate muscle size on the arm with which one masturbates. But is there really a correlation between pumping the penis and developing muscles? And if so, how might this connection affect one's penis health routine? The testosterone connection Why should masturbation have any effect on muscle growth in men? It's all related to testosterone. Many bodybuilders use steroids in order to boost their testosterone levels because testosterone is usually associated with greater gain in muscle. However, it should be noted that there is a great deal of disagreement over whether there is truly a cause-and-effect relationship between more testosterone and muscle gain. Some studies have indicated that boosting the T-levels does indeed promote more massive muscle; however, ot...

Vegetarian and Vegan Bodybuilding

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Just because you want to take up Bodybuilding, doesn't mean that you need to eat lots of meat, or in fact, any meat. If you are a vegetarian or vegan then chances are you have taken the decision to not eat meat, fish and maybe eggs or any other animal products. Whether your choice is down to ethics or you just do not like the taste or the idea of meat and fish, do not let anyone tell you that you need to give up and eat meat in order to build your body. Here are some of the things to consider if you are a vegetarian or vegan and have decided to take up bodybuilding. Make sure that you are getting enough calories. If you have eaten a vegetarian or vegan diet for some time then chances are you will not have any problems eating, but you may well need to increase your calorie intake. A deficit in calories when training hard will only leave you feeling tired and drained and will cause you to breakdown any muscle that you are trying to build. One easy way to increase your calorific int...

High Protein Muscle Building Foods You Must Start Eating

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If your goal is to build muscle as quickly as possible, it's going to be vital that you're getting enough high protein muscle building foods in your diet. Protein is the main macronutrient that is involved in the actual process of generating more lean muscle tissue, so if you're not getting enough, you virtually will have nothing to build that tissue out of. Carbohydrates supply the body with plenty of energy in order to carry out the process, but without that protein in there, they really won't do much good. A careful balance of high protein muscle building foods along with your carbohydrates will be your best bet for success, so let's quickly go over the top foods that you should be eating to meet your requirements. Remember, when aiming to build muscle you will need about one gram of protein per day, if not a little bit more to keep up with your intense workout sessions. Salmon The first of the top high protein muscle building foods is salmon. Including some fi...

How to Get a Bigger Chest - 7 Easy Chest Exercises to Get Your Pecs Noticed

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Aside from building up biceps and abs, one of the main concerns of men is how to get a bigger chest. Having a well defined chest can give you a more confident posture. Here are some exercises that will help you increase the volume, size and definition of your pecs. To avoid injuries and to get the most out of these chest exercises, each of the chest exercises should be performed with proper form. For lifting exercises, if you are to lift heavy, be sure to have a spotter to supervise and to help you out. Do push ups. For beginners, push ups tend to be hard but, when you keep on doing them, they will soon be easy for you to perform. Have your hands about shoulder width apart when doing push ups. Bench Press. It is the most popular chest building exercise of all time on how to get a bigger chest. It requires a large number of muscle fibers to perform, which triggers the body's natural growth hormone response. It is best to perform 8-12 reps and 1-3 sets to build muscle mass and hype...

How to Get Shredded for a Bodybuilding or Physique Competition

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One of the most common questions people ask me is, "How do I get shredded for a bodybuilding or physique competition?" This is especially common with people who are planning on entering their very first event. The answer to that question is somewhat subjective. There is no set formula that will work exactly the same way in exactly the same time-frame for every single person. Having said that, there are some guidelines for figuring out the best way for you to get shredded for a bodybuilding or physique competition and you can use them to make a plan that works for you. One thing you should understand, though, is that getting shredded is an art as well as a science. Knowing how and why and when the human body burns fat, what causes insulin and cortisol spikes and what makes the body retain or excrete water are all part of the science. Knowing how your specific body will react to certain steps is where the art comes in. Some guys take several years and several competitions to ...