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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2017

Building Muscle? - The 7 Foods You Must Never Eat!

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1. High Fat and High Carb Foods Foods that are high in fat and carbs promote high blood pressure levels, increased fat storage, decreased carbohydrate conversion, and erratic insulin levels. So what types of foods can cause these problems? Well, for starters all fried foods, sugar glazed foods such as donuts, pasta's covered in sauces, most restaurant foods, and nearly all fast foods. 2. Fruit Juices And Sodas Processed fruit juice is normally only 5% real juice and 95% sugar. Since when is that much sugar a good thing? And really, did you think we were going to endorse drinking sodas? These drinks pack a ton of calories without any health benefit whatsoever. It is better to fresh squeeze your own juices and drinks, or better yet, just stick to good-old-fashioned water. 3. Candy Yeah, let's just jack our insulin levels up real bad. When your insulin levels spike you get hungry, and when you get hungry, you eat more calories than necessary... generally, processed foods which ...

How Much Muscle Is Too Much Muscle?

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Muscle, muscle, muscle, it's that magical body tissue that can make you stronger, it's the x-factor in creating a body that make women swoon. Muscle is what some of the best physiques in the world have, and what the "needs improvement" physiques covet. So many people yearn to know how to gain muscle fast. With magazines, websites, and other media touting these "to die for" physiques, it's hard not to get pulled in. But when I look at some of the professional bodybuilding magazines, I think that some of the guys I see are bigger than I'd ever want to even think about being. Looking at the classic pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane and some of the greats, I still admire the way they look! They're big, no doubt, but they still look human to me. Seeing the progression of the pro bodybuilder makes me wonder just how much muscle is too much muscle??? Different people have different ideas of how much muscle they want to pack onto their resp...

The Top 5 Sources Of Protein

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If you regularly hit the gym in order to build muscle, you will no doubt be constantly on the look out for good sources of protein. It's an endless, ongoing battle to find a good quality protein source with every small meal and if you follow popular advice, you're looking at doing this six times a day. No doubt you'll have come across the protein sources listed below, but they serve as a good reminder that they really are the best sources of protein available. Chicken Breasts . Chicken is arguably the most popular source of protein available. It's tasty, versatile and absolutely heaving with good quality protein. An average chicken breast will offer you a very generous 30g of protein and the cherry on the top - they hardly have any fat. The only downside to chicken is that it can get quite expensive, especially if you insist on free range (like you should). Tuna.  Tinned Tuna flakes and tuna steaks are another perfect source of high quality protein. It does have its d...

How Long Does It Take For a Muscle to Grow?

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Finally a straight forward ideal fitness system training program that helps you maintain a commitment to a realistic attainable fitness workout that allows you to find an effective, long lasting way to keep your mind and willpower in check. I was working out at our community center gym in my hometown awhile back and I notice this younger man was watching me go through my weight lifting routine and I could tell he wanted to ask me something so I said to him "whats on your mind"? He explained to me that he was curious about my workout routine and noticed that I seemed to be doing thing in a specific order (which I was) and wanted to know if he could follow me and do my exact routine in which I replied "please do". The next day he showed up and proceeded to go through my daily workout routine with me, asking questions from time to time about why I did things a certain way. I explained to him that I work out 5-6 days a week taking a day off as needed during my workout...

Avoid These 5 Beginner Mistakes To Get Abs Fast

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Lately I've noticed a lot of beginners make the same common mistakes. These mistakes are keeping them from achieving maximum success with their Fitness Program, because they are so vital to their success with getting six pack abs. Now I don't want you making the same mistakes so I just want to dive right in and get you on the right track to six pack abs by helping you avoid these "beginner" mistakes. These are also mistakes I personally made when I first started working out, trying to achieve a toned stomach, so I know all the little tricks to avoiding them properly. These are 5 beginner mistakes and I chose them because they are very much overlooked by most people, including myself. Of course, you're told to avoid making mistakes like working out with bad form, or working the same muscle everyday, but the things I'm going to cover really aren't stressed enough so I want to emphasize them. You're probably wondering, "What exactly are these mista...

Want A Bigger Back? Here Are The Best Back Exercises To Get It

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Both men AND women that are into fitness, desire to have a great looking back. There's nothing that completes your look better than having that "V" shape. I'm here to tell you, that  you can definitely attain a bigger, stronger back , and get yourself started toward that "V" shape look! All you need are a few killer back exercises, patience, and consistency! So without wasting anymore time, let's dive into the back exercises. This exercise  MUST  be included. To be honest with you,there really is no choice in the matter! Not only is this exercise great for building your back, but it's also great for your core, as well as your quads and calves. The exercise that I'm referring to is the  dead lift . The dead lift takes care of almost everything when it comes to your back. When I say "everything," I mean the upper, mid, and even some of the lower part of your back. This is really great for your lats as well, which will help give you tho...

What to Eat Before an Intense Workout - Pre Workout Meal Nutrition

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Getting the best possible meal in you before an intense workout is of vital importance when it comes to lifting the most weights and stimulating the most muscle mass. It is what will push you through the workout and give you all the protein, nutrients and energy your body needs to successfully perform at its best. There are 3 main macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. You must consume a combination of these for the most effective pre workout meal Protein Protein is by far the most important of the three, if you can only have one eat protein before your workout. The protein will give you muscles the building blocks they will need once you start to break down you muscle mass in the gym. The best protein to eat would be sources that are of the highest quality and will be absorbed quickly by your muscles for the fastest repair and growth. The highest quality and fastest digesting protein is whey protein, closely followed by eggs. Either have a protein shake and mix in the othe...

2 Types of Amino Acid to Improve Your Muscle Repair

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While most amino acids are more commonly known to act as neurotransmitter precursors (chemical substances that transmit messages from one nerve to the other) which can: improve mood, improve performance, and improve cognitive function, significantly improve  muscle repair , regrowth and recovery as well. Research shows that when you train at an intensity above 90% of your maximum heart rate, or close to exhaustion, your oxygen usage sky rockets, in turn, causes an increase in the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, which in the case of turning your body alkaline reserves to pull from bones and other mineral dense sources. Not to mention the muscle tissue is torn and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels in muscles become exhausted. Amino acid Glutamine The good news is the amino acid glutamine has been proven to help boost the body's immune system and help keep your training on track. In addition to playing a vital role in cell volume and transfer of nitrogen, it has also b...

The Dangers of Steroid Use in Fitness Training

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The Dangers of Steroid Use in Fitness Training are huge. Anyone involved in fitness training or bodybuilding needs to be well educated and aware of the dangers surrounding the use of steroids. Steroids are often seen as a fast track to increased muscle mass and strength. While anabolic steroids can build muscle quickly, they come with massive risks that far outweigh their benefits. Steroids are Never the Answer Some people want shortcuts to reach fitness and peak physical condition. When results aren't coming quickly, steroids can be a tempting option. Before you even think about using steroids to build muscle, consider the dangers and long term effects. Anabolic steroids are synthetic testosterone. Injecting or ingesting anabolic steroids can result in rapid increases in muscle mass, strength, and overall stamina. It sounds enticing, but there are reasons why you don't want to be putting these artificial hormones in to your body. The non-prescribed use of anabolic steroids i...

Diets For Abs - Are You Eating Right?

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Flaunting a flat and toned midriff has more to do than simply make you look great in your beach suit. Trimming the fat around the midsection can also help improve your health and keep chronic ailments such as cardiovascular problems at bay. We've seen many struggling to get the six pack they've always desired to have. It takes more than hard work and exercise to get your 6-pack abs to really pop. It involves strategizing and sticking with the right diets for abs. After all, if you exercise regularly and don't watch what you put into your mouth at every meal, success will always remain elusive. In this short article we've broken down diets for abs not by the foods you should eat and avoid, but according to macro and micro-nutrients you should include in your diet. Protein When aiming for the six pack abs look, your daily intake of protein must be high. Protein has triple benefits. It accelerates the metabolic rate, prevents the loss of lean muscle mass and keeps you fro...

Diet Plan: Daily Calorie, Protein, Fat & Carb Intake and Sources

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Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle or improve any aspect of your body or health, setting up your entire diet plan correctly is an absolute requirement for reaching any of these types of goals. The problem is, between your daily calorie, protein, fat and carb intake and the food sources you’re getting these nutrients from, diet and nutrition tends to be the area people screw up the most. In fact, our diet plan is often the area we barely even care about in the first place. I hear it all the time. People tell me all about their workout routines and what exercises and muscle groups they train on what days and how much weight they lift for how many sets and reps and blah blah blah, but when I ask them about their diet plan, the answer is usually “it’s okay” or “I think it’s pretty good.” In reality however it’s often terrible, and it’s the #1 reason you’re not losing fat or building muscle or getting the results you want. The truth is, if your diet plan isn’t set up the way it...